Can you play _________?
Will you post _________?
Depends on how many other people request that song.
Why don't you put the music on staffs??
Because it is already a long time to figure these songs out and it would be even MORE time to put them onto staffs. Sorry :/
When will you finish ________?
Whenever I get around to it. I don't do rap songs and sometimes I get tired of trying and trying to figure out one song so I move on to another.
How do you play __________?
Flute Fingering Chart
Follow on Facebook? Subscribe on YouTube? Follow on Twitter? Follow on Tumblr?
Of course! Of course! I don't have Twitter OR Tumblr.
How do you learn all this music?
I have learned from one of my family members friends. All I really do is listen to the song. See if the pitch goes up or down and try every note until I find the right one. :)
Stop copying me! I want you to take that off!!
I don't copy. On the few times I do, I give credit. Such as with sheet music or old songs that I can't figure out. So shut your mouth or get off of this site!
Anything else?